Sunday, January 16, 2011


On January 1, 2011 Phil and I hosted our annual New Years Day Italian dinner for our family. It was so much fun to get together with all of our family to catch up on what is going on in everyone's lives. Following are several pictures of the event.  Enjoy!



Thank you everyone for coming and sharing the day with us!  We love you all and wish everyone a very happy new year.  The best is yet to come!


Heidi said...

Thanks again for hosting such a terrific party! We love your new years party. It is fun getting to spend time with you and your wonderful family!

Twin Times said...

It was a good time, great food, and fabulous company! Loved it, thanks for hosting.

Steven and Megan said...

Mmmm mmmm! Gotta love Phil's cooking :)

Chatzy said...

That seems like it was sooo much fun! I am sad that I missed out on it this year. You guys are so nice to do that for everyone every year!

Isaac or Jennylyn said...

Looks like fun! Sorry we missed it.